03 9580 3660 sales@rexcon.com.au

Long Threaded Plastic Square Tube End (LTPS Series)


Tube end has a stainless steel nut with a plastic thread following it. For use with castors.

S/S Nut With A Plastic Thread Following It

Part # Size A B C D E F G T Rating
LTPS25/M10 25xM10 25 M10 39 44 11 23.5 22-23 24 250kg
LTPS25/M12 25xM12 25 M12 39 44 13 23.5 22-23 24 250kg
LTPS32/M10 32xM10 32 M10 39 45 11 30 28-29 24 350kg
LTPS32/M12 32xM12 32 M12 39 45 13 30 28-29 24 350kg
LTPS38/M10 38xM10 38 M10 41 45 11 36 35-36 24 500kg
LTPS38/M12 38xM12 38 M12 41 45 13 36 35-36 24 500kg
LTPS38/M16 38xM16 38 M16 41 45 17.7 36 35-36 31 500kg
LTPS40/M10 40xM10 40 M10 39 45 11 36.8 36-37 24 500kg
LTPS40/M12 40xM12 40 M12 39 45 13 36.8 36-37 24 500kg
LTPS51/M10 51xM10 51 M10 39 47 11 48 47-48 24 750kg
LTPS51/M12 51xM12 51 M12 39 47 13 48 47-48 24 750kg